In honor of Mr. Lincoln's birthday tomorrow, I want to have a discussion on presidential badasses. Yes, this is absolutely nerdy. It has been said that Mr. Obama is our first Nerd President and I would have to agree with this. He is the first president to admit to enjoying science fiction and has been photographed many times in public showing his Star Wars love. Observe exhibit A and B:
See? Nerdy! And I have to say, politics aside, I am proud to have a nerd president. I don't think it matters what he has done with his time in office, he has proven that politics is not another sport that only jocks excel at. There is room at the top for nerds! I think this country should be run by nerds instead of hot-headed jocks. Who would you rather have a finger on the self-destruct button: a former football player whose aggressive behavior was applauded or captain of the chess team who methodically thought out his every move well in advance? That's what I thought.
But I am not the only person who is a fan of our nerd president. Ladies and Gentlemen, John Hodgman.
Sure, Mr. Obama cannot be the nerd each of us wants all the time but even George Lucas cannot make the Star Wars we want. We nerds are highly creative and highly demanding people. I would argue that pleasing us is nigh impossible. (More on my thoughts on Star Wars later.) The fact is, we need to embrace Mr. Obama and Mr. Lucas alike for their effort and for making it okay to be nerds. I don't think it is coincidental that nerd culture has penetrated mainstream culture in such a large way as it has in the last few years and a nerdy president just happens to be in office.
May the Force be with you, Mr. President.
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