Monday, May 7, 2012

Review: The Avengers

Hi guys... I want to admit something. Yes, I have been avoiding you. I have been avoiding my blog because I was feeling severe anxiety about "The Avengers" and I didn't want to share my fears or puke up all that anxiety about this movie that I have been waiting so long for. I mean, all of the movies (Hulk aside, of course) leading up to this movie have been fantastic, fun and inspiring, one of my favorite directors made the movie, the cast is fantastic and none of the actors died. I mean, this all just seemed like a dream. How could it be real? And oh gods, what if it isn't good? What if it's Episode 1 all over again? What if we've waited and anticipated all this time and it's all just gotten too big for its britches? The fear got a hold on me.

But I was still hopeful. I was hopeful that it really was going to be everything I had hoped it would be. I put my tiny Thor charm on my cell phone, I dug out my Thor mask and my Captain America shirt.

This is me before work on Friday, May 4th. My sweetheart is no longer allowed to take pictures of me with his iPhone while he's lying in bed. Worst angle ever.
No, I didn't get to go to the midnight showing. I work at 8am and I also didn't want to go by myself. I mean, I'm sure there would have been people I know there but, driving home by myself at 3am sounded awful. Plus then I'd HAVE to see it a second time so my darling boyfriend wouldn't kill me for not being able to shut up about it. So Friday! Friday after work! Like an adult! With all the other adults! And their children! Oh yeah... Kids... Dear parents, please stop bringing your bundles of joy to the opening night showing of an action movie. Seriously, this is not a kids movie...

Anyway, this is my face after the movie and pre-dinner.
Holy crap, the movie was awesome! I was so incredibly happy with just about everything. Yes, I do think it is lame that if you blow up a mothership, all the drones magically fall out of the sky. Yes that is lame. Everything else is awesome. I love that Loki is a great villain. He thinks he's right. That is the best way to build a villain. He needs to be bitter. He needs to feel wrong by the pretty blonde guy with the huge... hammer.

So thank you. Thank you Joss Whedon. Thank you, Marvel. I really want to see Joss Whedon and Robert Downey, Jr. make more movies together. I love the banter. You know would be great? Whedon should direct Iron Man 3. Please?

So yes, I am awed, inspired and overly pleased.