Friday, April 5, 2013

Summer Movie Shakedown

Summer is the a magical time for movies. All of the "good stuff" comes out. All the biggest explosions, biggest tear-jerkers, and the most badass come out in the summer. This summer is looking to be a season to be reckoned with. The following are the movies I am most excited to see. I probably won't get to all of them, but I can hope can't I?

Iron Man 3

The Great Gatsby

Star Trek Into Darkness (This is a movie I'm sure my sweetie will make me see. I've never seen a Star Trek anything.)

After Earth (This was filmed near where I live and I'm excited to see how they did.)

The Internship (This looks silly but you need a little silly.)

Much Ado About Nothing

Man of Steel

Monster University

World War Z (I know this is going to be bad and that the author of the book has divorced himself from this project but I feel like I should see it anyway.)

the Lone Ranger

Pacific Rim

Red 2

The Wolverine

300: Rise of an Empire


Kick Ass 2

Machete Kills


Here's to another great summer at the movies!

Hot Nerd Friday: Jenna Louise Coleman

I really can forgive the fact that this cutie wasn't a Whovian before she joined the cast of "Doctor Who" because she seems to get it. She seems to understand the style and speed of the show and I find her absolutely delightful. Like all Whovians, I was skeptical of the newest companion but the fact that her character is both intelligent and adorable helped her weasel her way into my heart.

So look at her! Look how darn cute she is! Look at what a good job she's doing! Listen to her fantastic interview with The Nerdist.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Americans: Season 1 - Midseason review

The year is 1980. The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union is going strong. If you asked anyone who they most feared, it would be Russian Spies. Now imagine you're a Russian Spy who has been living in the United States undetected for more than ten years. You're married to another Russian spy and you have two children who know nothing about your covert operations... Oh, and the family who just moved in across the street? Dad works for the FBI. Hooray! That is "The Americans" in a nutshell. And despite Keri Russell's inability to act, it's a really good show. Keri is pretty and all but she isn't my favorite actress. It's a really good thing that the character she places is kind of a Russian Ice Queen because really, I don't feel like she'd be capable of much else. She gets to be the cold stare lady. Her husband on the show is played by Matthew Rhys and he is absolutely delightful.

The character development, twisted turning relationships and incredibly suspenseful storylines make this a fantastic show that I hope is getting enough attention to stick around. According to IMDB, they've been picked up for a second season which is fantastic! I encourage everyone to check this show out. 

"The Americans" airs on FX every Wednesday at 10pm from now until May 1st. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Doctor Puppet

This is a thing that exists! I'm just going to leave this here for you....

Isn't this adorable?!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Doctor Who: The Bells of St. John Preview

It doesn't matter if you have or haven't seen the episode yet, take a moment to watch this:

The genius thing about "Doctor Who" is the ability of the writers to take things that are a part of our every day, ordinary lives and turn them into a scary monster. This week's feature creature: the internet.

Okay, no more spoilers. This is a crazy episode and a wonderful way to leap back into series seven. Moffatt throws plenty of twists and turns into this one and left me saying, "This is going to have to be a two-parter," because I was sure there was no sane way to wrap up the episode. Silly me for expecting Moffatt to do something sane. While we haven't learned very much in the, "Who is Clara?" department, we did find out that every reincarnation loves children, she is considering NOT running away in the TARDIS and because of the evil internet, she went from having no computer skills to all of the computer skills. This tells us... nearly nothing. The girl is a mystery! Moffatt probably feeds off of our curiosity about Clara and our tears when a companion leaves.

I am very much looking forward to seeing where series seven takes us from here. With so much that is known in the world, I like to feel the mystery and the anticipation involved with what will happen next on "Doctor Who."