It doesn't matter if you have or haven't seen the episode yet, take a moment to watch this:
The genius thing about "Doctor Who" is the ability of the writers to take things that are a part of our every day, ordinary lives and turn them into a scary monster. This week's feature creature: the internet.
Okay, no more spoilers. This is a crazy episode and a wonderful way to leap back into series seven. Moffatt throws plenty of twists and turns into this one and left me saying, "This is going to have to be a two-parter," because I was sure there was no sane way to wrap up the episode. Silly me for expecting Moffatt to do something sane. While we haven't learned very much in the, "Who is Clara?" department, we did find out that every reincarnation loves children, she is considering NOT running away in the TARDIS and because of the evil internet, she went from having no computer skills to all of the computer skills. This tells us... nearly nothing. The girl is a mystery! Moffatt probably feeds off of our curiosity about Clara and our tears when a companion leaves.
I am very much looking forward to seeing where series seven takes us from here. With so much that is known in the world, I like to feel the mystery and the anticipation involved with what will happen next on "Doctor Who."
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