Sunday, July 14, 2013

Iron Man 3

It's hard to say whether I love Tony Stark or if I love Robert Downey, Jr. Either way, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and not just because there's a giant stuffed bunny. This movie does great things to develop Stark as a more human character. The fact that he has suffered from major health problems through the run of these films has made sure he was somewhat grounded in reality but the addition of PTSD caused by the incredible battle in New York stretches further to make him a more human character. Any person in his situation who was not a genetically engineered super-soldier or a demi-god from another world is likely to have a severely broken brain after that event.

It saddens me that Disney and Robert Downey, Jr. were unable to come to an agreement concerning salary so there will not be anymore movies with just Iron Man. Luckily, he will still be included in the Avenger movies that are yet to come.

I appreciate what a strong character Pepper Potts has turned out to be. Without her, Tony Stark would end up just another crazy rich guy who would end up doing more harm than good. She's great for him. She is the only thing that often stands between his ego and the rest of the world.

This movie is a great way to start the summer. Can't wait until the next Thor movie!

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