If you have ever thought to yourself, "Gee, I'd really like to watch, "Moon," "Mad Max," and "Planet of the Apes" but I just don't have that sort of time!" then "Oblivion" is for you. This movie is full of old SciFi cliches and over-dramatic acting.
Yes, this is an entertaining movie. The problem is that it is entirely predictable. Ten minutes in, I was able to go, "Hey I bet this is going to be the twist at the end," and I was right. There were several moments in which I sat and laughed at how ridiculous and cliche things were going and my sweetheart glared at me for it.
Quite visually interesting but the story is crazy old. A good movie for a drunken SciFi night, not so great for a critical theory class. If you miss this one, no big loss.
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