Monday, April 4, 2016

Book of the Month: March

I read seven books in March, five of which were written by women, two of which were graphic novels (one was a graphic novel written by a woman!). I actually read several things that I found somewhat disappointing this month which is unfortunate but I suppose it was good to get them all over with in one go.

My favorite book from March was "The Bell Jar," by Sylvia Plath. This is a feminist classic and I have been meaning to read it for quite some time but had never made time for it. I assumed it would would be like many other feminist classics and be kind of awkward, uncomfortable, and somewhat man-hating. I was very pleased to find this wasn't the case! While the story is quite twisted and sad, I found this slice-of-life story to be incredibly interesting. It entirely captured my attention.

This month's Women Reading Women selection was "The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance," by Elna Baker. The Our Shared Shelf section for March was "All About Love," by Bell Hooks. I found the Women Reading Women book to be fun and witty. I did not enjoy "All About Love." I found it to be both heavy-handed and dated.

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