Monday, May 9, 2016

Book of the Month: April

April was not a strong month for actually finishing books. I finished three books and they were all graphic novels and honestly, they were all my favorite. (I read Ms. Marvel vol. 1, Squirrel Girl vol. 2, and Sandman vol. 9) However I decided that Squirrel Girl could not be my favorite book of an entire month twice... Even though I'm totally in love with Squirrel Girl and will never stop being amused by the title, "Squirrel You Know It's True." Also, they now know me as the Squirrel Girl girl at my favorite local book/comic shop. (Ask me sometime about my Squirrel Girl/Deadpool movie idea. Call me, Marvel!)

Squirrels and girls aside, my favorite book of the month is The Sandman volume 9: The Kindly Ones. I am nearing the end of my re-read of the entire Sandman series and the building of my own collection as I read borrowed books the first time around. (Doing the same with Fables.) This is such a beautiful installation to the Sandman story. The love between The Endless is very apparent and the close ties between Death and Dream are both beautiful and heartbreaking. This is a series I have been in love with for quite a long time and I am sad to have it come to an end again. Volume 10 is sitting on my shelf and I believe that is where it will stay until I can find the perfect Saturday afternoon to consume the thing whole in one sitting with a pot of good tea.

May is already better for finishing books. I started several books in April that are a bit more time consuming than most either because of length or because the content just needed extra special attention. But I have been able to give them the attention they need and will be able to move on soon.

As always, if you want thorough updates on my reading habits, find me on GoodReads!

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