Monday, November 10, 2014

Movie Review: Nightcrawler

In another universe where I am less timid of a person, where Los Angeles suits me perfectly, where I actually used my journalism degree, I picture myself as a nightcrawler. I have inklings of the tendencies. I like to say that it is the fault of my journalism training, but I have always been a bit of an ambulance chaser. I've always been curious, I've always wanted to see what's happening over there and where some people are going in such a hurry. I want to know. I want to see things while they are happening and being a reporter is just a good excuse for being nosy as heck.

But in this reality, I am a timid person. I wonder but do not often pursue. I may drive around the block an extra time but I don't stop and I don't document it. I'm too timid to be the journalist I wish I could be which is why I have a blog in which I talk about movies and television and things like that...

NIGHTCRAWLER struck a chord with me. I was completely enamored from beginning to end. It was a very dark, twisty, creepy profile of a man who has found his niche. It was uncomfortable and greasy. It showed a world where it is a good quality to lack human empathy and to entirely disregard personal privacy. It is a dark, sleepless world that is extremely well-portrayed in this movie.

I love this movie. It excited me. It made me want to take night hikes and write until 2am. Jake Gyllenhaal was incredible in this role. Absolutely believable and engrossing from beginning to end.

Go see this movie! You will not be disappointed.

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