1. As a kid I missed the chance to be a dancer.
2. As a kid I lacked coordination.
3. As a kid I could have used a bit less illness.
4. As a kid I dreamed of being a ballerina astronaut. Not tall enough for either.
5. As a kid, I wanted a treehouse.
6. In my house, we never had enough .... I can't really finish this sentence as a lack was never really part of my world. We were short on money but my parents never let me know and there was always love and joy to spare.
7. As a kid, I needed more courage.
8. I am sorry that I will never again see my mother's parents.
9. For years, I have missed and wondered about joining a choral group again.
10. I beat myself up about the loss of small family heirlooms.
Positive Inventory:
1. I have a loyal friend in my husband.
2. One thing I like about my town is the thriving art community.
3. I think I have nice hips.
4. Writing my morning pages has shown me I can find my own path in life.
5. I am taking a greater interest in astronomy.
6. I believe I am getting better at keeping negative chatter out of my head.
7. My artist has started to pay more attention to animals.
8. My self-care is finishing partially started projects.
9. I feel more adventurous with my intentions.
10. Possibly my creativity is waiting for me come back to it.
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