Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Love/Hate Relationship with Felicia Day

If Felicia Day and I had a relationship status on Facebook, we would be "It's Complicated." (And that has nothing to do with Felicia Day being in a lesbian relationship with a chick she doesn't know.) There are so many reasons why I should adore Felicia Day but for some reasons, for all those same reasons I hate her. She is the queen of the internet. She is the woman who will get primo access at gaming conventions and then gets excited because you can pick flowers in Skyrim. She has been the girl Joss Whedon fridged, she's started her own online empire with The Guild (please let me date your avatar...) and she has made it cool to be a nerd and a girl AT THE SAME TIME!

I am utterly frustrated by her. How did she get so awesome? Why can't I be that awesome? How come she gets to do all these awesome things AND be a hot red head.

Okay fine, I'll admit it! I'm jealous of Felicia Day. When I grow up, I want to be her! I want her to come in from the future to my first grade class on career day and tell me that her empire and my dreams are a possibility! I want her to tell me that not only will nerds rule the world one day but they will include girl nerds! Yes, she is the person I would choose to switch lives with for the day even if it was a day she wasn't doing anything particularly special.

Gorramit woman, you're making the rest of us look bad!

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