Sunday, January 8, 2012

Nerd Love

(I would call it "Geek Love," but I read a book called that once and I was sorely disappointed when it was about a guy who eats glass knocking up a girl with a hunchback. Somehow, I didn't believe the back cover when I read it in the bookstore and HAD to take the damned thing home.)

Nerd love is when you and your honey buy each other sonic screwdrivers for Christmas and you get each other different ones. Nerd love is when your Christmas tree has little tiny space ships, Harley Quinns, and Nerf darts all over it. Nerd love is say, "Sure I'll do that... in a Bizzarro Universe!" Nerd love is being told to roll for bed. (Nerd love is also when my darling gets mad at me for calling him Dungeon Master.) Nerd love is when your honey understands why you are crying so hard when The Doctor leaves your favorite companion and comforts you. Nerd love is allowing your honey to draw faces on your appliances to make it look like the machine is puking iced tea.

It is my opinion that nerds are capable of a deeper love than normal people. We already have this amazing way to hyper-focus on the things we adore so directing this adoration toward a human (especially one that will have sex with you!) is a very natural transition. If that other person, by some miracle of fate, also has the nerd gene, the possibilities are endless. Plus, nerd weddings are the coolest things ever. I mean, what's better than a Han Solo an Slave Leia cake topper? Or costume weddings? I mean, weddings have been going on long enough that it is really refreshing to see people stray from the norms. So many endless possibilities! Who wouldn't want to wrap a Fourth Doctor scarf around a bride and groom and bind them together forever in space and time? That's about the most romantic thing I've ever heard.

I am so extremely fortunate to have been in nerdy relationships for the majority of my dating career (it sounds creepy to call it a career) and I feel so fortunate to have found the perfect captain for my spaceship called SS Life. (Oh, that was a terrible joke.) I feel so bad for people who never get to experience nerd love. I think it should be its own category. Hetero love, Homo love, Poly love, Nerd love. I would love to see a study of divorce rates between self-proclaimed nerds contrasted with non-nerds.

I don't know that this all really has a point.... I guess the point is that I'm happy. I've found my nerdy bliss with someone who wants to explore time and space just as badly as I do and hey, we make great travel partners.

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