Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Doctor Who: Asylum of the Daleks

There is only one logical conclusion: Steven Moffat likes us to be in pain and likes to watch us squirm. this is why he makes us wait so long between seasons and why the fall season is only four episodes long. TORTURE. This is his goal, I think.

The first episode of the fall season, "The Asylum of the Dalek," found The Doctor, Amy and Rory on a Dalek space craft in a very different situation. They were asking him for help. Wait what??? The Daleks, the scariest upside-down trashcans in the universe are asking for help from their sworn enemy? The man who single handedly attempted to completely annihilate their race? Mind = Blown.

The Doctor, Amy and Rory are zapped down to The Dalek's Planet for the Criminally Insane (Okay, it isn't actually called that...) where their mission (I think) is to destroy the planet. You see, the Daleks could not bear to do it on their own because anything with as much hate in its heart is far too beautiful to destroy, in their opinion. The Doctor, of course, is entirely disgusted by this idea and oh yeah, something's up with Amy and Rory. Amy seems... angrier... More Scottish.

Once The Doctor and gang arrive on the asylum planet they are contacted by a cute girl in a short red dress and converses named Ozwin who claims to be the loan survivor of a shipwreck a couple years prior. She said she has been doing her best to keep the Daleks at bay and has been biding her time by making souffles though admittedly, not very well. Souffles? On a Dalek asylum planet? Where would a human find milk and eggs for such a thing?

In typical Doctor Who fashion, there was a lot of running around in this episode and a really cool new thing introduced. The Daleks were able to turn any living or dead human into into a Dalek. This is of course a terrifying thought. One minute, The Doctor would be talking to some dude, the next he'd be saying "Oh that's right, I died in the snow. That's why my body was preserved!" and then a Dalek anteni would pop out of his head. The Doctor has a wristband that keeps you from being turned into a Dalek. Amy's is almost immediately stolen by a Skelo-Dalek and Rory is told to keep watch over her to make sure she doesn't start to turn. This provided Amy and Rory an opportunity to talk about their real problems and why Amy threw him out of the house to begin with (see Pond Life). Amy admits that she doesn't actually want to divorce Rory, she just knew she couldn't give him what he really wanted: a baby. Something happened while Amy was on the spaceship after Melody was born and she can no longer bear children. Amy then thinks she's turning into a Dalek and sees a beautiful ballerina dancing and tries to go join her. Turns out, it's just a crazy Dalek, Amy is crazy and she's been wearing The Doctor's wristband the whole time.

While Amy and Rory are sorting themselves out, The Doctor is off exploring the asylum and believes he is on his way to rescue young Ozwin and take her back to Earth. When The Doctor does finally locate her, he is devastated to learn that she was converted to a Dalek long ago and is just living an illusion. This creates one of my favorite moments of the episode. The Doctor stands before Ozwin and tells her she is a Dalek and she won't believe. So he asks her, "Ozwin, where do you get the eggs for your souffles?"
She sits and thinks...


"Eggs.... stir... minute. Eggs... stir... minute.... Eggs stir minute... EXTERMINATE!!" and shoots her laser at The Doctor!

Eventually Ozwin accepts her fate, things happen, the Asylum blows up and The Doctor has been entirely wiped from the Dalek's collective memory. The Doctor returns to the Dalek space ship and they have no damn clue who he is anymore. Crazy.

I enjoyed this episode quite a bit. You better believe that me and two of my drunken lady friends were siting on the roof of a van on Sunday night yelling, "EGGS!" at anyone who passed by. It feels good to have that sort of community. Drunken yelling aside, I am very curious to see how the situation is going to play out with everyone either not remembering The Doctor or thinking he's dead. I mean, a lot of his adventures revolve around him being summoned places. What will he do now? How will all of time and space act now that they no longer think that they are being watched? 

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