Please excuse the hiatus of unknown length. I'm planning my wedding. It seems to eat up a lot of my bandwidth. I'll write when I can but I can't promise much.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Iron Man 3
It's hard to say whether I love Tony Stark or if I love Robert Downey, Jr. Either way, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and not just because there's a giant stuffed bunny. This movie does great things to develop Stark as a more human character. The fact that he has suffered from major health problems through the run of these films has made sure he was somewhat grounded in reality but the addition of PTSD caused by the incredible battle in New York stretches further to make him a more human character. Any person in his situation who was not a genetically engineered super-soldier or a demi-god from another world is likely to have a severely broken brain after that event.
It saddens me that Disney and Robert Downey, Jr. were unable to come to an agreement concerning salary so there will not be anymore movies with just Iron Man. Luckily, he will still be included in the Avenger movies that are yet to come.
I appreciate what a strong character Pepper Potts has turned out to be. Without her, Tony Stark would end up just another crazy rich guy who would end up doing more harm than good. She's great for him. She is the only thing that often stands between his ego and the rest of the world.
This movie is a great way to start the summer. Can't wait until the next Thor movie!
If you have ever thought to yourself, "Gee, I'd really like to watch, "Moon," "Mad Max," and "Planet of the Apes" but I just don't have that sort of time!" then "Oblivion" is for you. This movie is full of old SciFi cliches and over-dramatic acting.
Yes, this is an entertaining movie. The problem is that it is entirely predictable. Ten minutes in, I was able to go, "Hey I bet this is going to be the twist at the end," and I was right. There were several moments in which I sat and laughed at how ridiculous and cliche things were going and my sweetheart glared at me for it.
Quite visually interesting but the story is crazy old. A good movie for a drunken SciFi night, not so great for a critical theory class. If you miss this one, no big loss.
Yes, this is an entertaining movie. The problem is that it is entirely predictable. Ten minutes in, I was able to go, "Hey I bet this is going to be the twist at the end," and I was right. There were several moments in which I sat and laughed at how ridiculous and cliche things were going and my sweetheart glared at me for it.
Quite visually interesting but the story is crazy old. A good movie for a drunken SciFi night, not so great for a critical theory class. If you miss this one, no big loss.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Matt Smith Leaving Doctor Who
This is a day we all knew was coming eventually; Matt Smith has resigned his role as The Doctor on "Doctor Who." The fact is that Matt Smith has had this role longer than any other Doctor since the reboot. In his time on the show, "Doctor Who," has become an international sensation and it is all his fault that I can now buy a "Bowties are cool," tshirt in Hot Topic. Smith's Doctor has been charismatic, playful, adventurous and endearing. He's shown us a new side of The Doctor that while still very serious, also kisses whimsey right in the mouth.
The thing that is amusing me most right now is listening to the cries of all the fans who have adopted this fandom in probably the last two years. "Matt Smith is leaving? How can this be? It is the end of the world!!" But it isn't. Death and rebirth are at the heart of the show. One of the inevitable truths of "Doctor Who," is that The Doctor dies. The Doctor dies and then regenerates. He has a new face, a new voice, a different personality. But he is still The Doctor. Sure, everyone remembers their first Doctor. They have favorite things about the way each actor takes on this magnificent character. But at the end of it, Doctor Who fans have to know in their heart that no Doctor is forever. This is the great and the terrible that is this show.
I am thankful for the performance that Matt Smith has given. His Doctor is eternally delightful and will always hold a special place in my heart but I will not grieve for The Doctor in the same way I grieved for Amy and Rory. (There were some ugly, ugly tears during "The Angels Take Manhattan.") The Doctor isn't really dying. He's being reborn. I can't wait to see what he has in store for us next.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Summer Movie Shakedown
Summer is the a magical time for movies. All of the "good stuff" comes out. All the biggest explosions, biggest tear-jerkers, and the most badass come out in the summer. This summer is looking to be a season to be reckoned with. The following are the movies I am most excited to see. I probably won't get to all of them, but I can hope can't I?
Iron Man 3
The Great Gatsby
Star Trek Into Darkness (This is a movie I'm sure my sweetie will make me see. I've never seen a Star Trek anything.)
After Earth (This was filmed near where I live and I'm excited to see how they did.)
The Internship (This looks silly but you need a little silly.)
Much Ado About Nothing
Man of Steel
Monster University
World War Z (I know this is going to be bad and that the author of the book has divorced himself from this project but I feel like I should see it anyway.)
the Lone Ranger
Pacific Rim
Red 2
The Wolverine
300: Rise of an Empire
Kick Ass 2
Machete Kills
Here's to another great summer at the movies!
Hot Nerd Friday: Jenna Louise Coleman
I really can forgive the fact that this cutie wasn't a Whovian before she joined the cast of "Doctor Who" because she seems to get it. She seems to understand the style and speed of the show and I find her absolutely delightful. Like all Whovians, I was skeptical of the newest companion but the fact that her character is both intelligent and adorable helped her weasel her way into my heart.
So look at her! Look how darn cute she is! Look at what a good job she's doing! Listen to her fantastic interview with The Nerdist.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
The Americans: Season 1 - Midseason review
The year is 1980. The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union is going strong. If you asked anyone who they most feared, it would be Russian Spies. Now imagine you're a Russian Spy who has been living in the United States undetected for more than ten years. You're married to another Russian spy and you have two children who know nothing about your covert operations... Oh, and the family who just moved in across the street? Dad works for the FBI. Hooray! That is "The Americans" in a nutshell. And despite Keri Russell's inability to act, it's a really good show. Keri is pretty and all but she isn't my favorite actress. It's a really good thing that the character she places is kind of a Russian Ice Queen because really, I don't feel like she'd be capable of much else. She gets to be the cold stare lady. Her husband on the show is played by Matthew Rhys and he is absolutely delightful.
The character development, twisted turning relationships and incredibly suspenseful storylines make this a fantastic show that I hope is getting enough attention to stick around. According to IMDB, they've been picked up for a second season which is fantastic! I encourage everyone to check this show out.
"The Americans" airs on FX every Wednesday at 10pm from now until May 1st.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Doctor Puppet
This is a thing that exists! I'm just going to leave this here for you....
Isn't this adorable?!
Isn't this adorable?!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Doctor Who: The Bells of St. John Preview
It doesn't matter if you have or haven't seen the episode yet, take a moment to watch this:
The genius thing about "Doctor Who" is the ability of the writers to take things that are a part of our every day, ordinary lives and turn them into a scary monster. This week's feature creature: the internet.
Okay, no more spoilers. This is a crazy episode and a wonderful way to leap back into series seven. Moffatt throws plenty of twists and turns into this one and left me saying, "This is going to have to be a two-parter," because I was sure there was no sane way to wrap up the episode. Silly me for expecting Moffatt to do something sane. While we haven't learned very much in the, "Who is Clara?" department, we did find out that every reincarnation loves children, she is considering NOT running away in the TARDIS and because of the evil internet, she went from having no computer skills to all of the computer skills. This tells us... nearly nothing. The girl is a mystery! Moffatt probably feeds off of our curiosity about Clara and our tears when a companion leaves.
I am very much looking forward to seeing where series seven takes us from here. With so much that is known in the world, I like to feel the mystery and the anticipation involved with what will happen next on "Doctor Who."
Friday, March 15, 2013
Venture Brothers: Season 5!!!!
Yes! YES! SHIT YES!!! The Fifth Season of "Venture Brothers" is coming!!! I'm so excited right now! Look for it on Cartoon Network May 19th at midnight.
"A reckoning is coming!"
Hot Nerd Friday: Mila Kunis
Mila Kunis is a babe. No one is going to argue this point. Totally hot babe. But she also seems really damn awesome! She smiles when people take her picture, she can cuss out the paparazzi in Russian, she chooses to accept odd-ball roles and she seems like the kind of girl who would be down for a session of Call of Duty.
We all want Mila Kunis to be our hot best friend. :)
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Sherlock Returns! ...Sort of.
Good news, Sherlock fans!
Season 3 has begun filming. Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman have found five spare minutes between all their other awesome projects to start work on a show we haven't seen on-air since January 2012.
More good news! The show has been picked up for a fourth season! Hooray!
Less good news? We're not going to see anything until at least winter of this year.
Patience is the virtue of those who are Sherlocked.
Six more months of my Mom saying, "But I have theories..."
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Doctor Who Season 7 Continued
Images for the rest of the current season of "Doctor Who" have begun to circulate. About is the season overview image. Note the various monsters in the shards of glass. Perhaps the terrors that are yet to come? Here's hoping!
Below is a new monster for us to enjoy. He is an Ice Warrior and appears to be quite scary. My guess is that he'll appear in Episode 8, "The Cold War."
Here are some more images from the Doctor Who Facebook page.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
New Iron Man 3 Trailer
The new trailer for "Iron Man 3" looks pretty fantastic. I hope they can keep up the momentum.
I can't wait until May!
A different trailer can be found here:
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Game of Thrones Season 3 Trailer
I just finished reading "A Clash of Kings" and it was fantastic. There are a few books that I need to read before I can get cracking on book 3 and honestly, I have no hope of getting it read before season 3 of Game of Thrones starts. This week, a new trailer was finally released!! I'm so excited!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
OMG Star Wars Shit!
Hey, you know how people kept asking if Disney would put more Star Wars stuff in their parks after they acquired Lucas Films? Turns out they totally are! Star Wars Land in Disney's California Adventure has been vaguely announced!
"Ain't It Cool News" kind of off-handedly mentions this little tidbit in this article,
( ) which is about some other amazing stuff!! Like what you ask? Oh I don't know, how about a YODA ORIGINS STORY MOVIE!!!
Oh what's that? That's not enough for you? You want more? How about origins stories for Boba Fett and Han Solo! I feel like this is an Oprah's Favorite Things episode. I'm so damn happy. See this article also:
Today is a good day to be a nerd!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Hot Nerd Friday: Mayim Bialik
Hey look! It's the only actually nerdy person on "The Big Bang Theory!" Mayim Bialik is known from her starring role on the early 90s hit, "Blossom," and her lively role as the eccentric, sexually frustrated scientist, Amy Farrah Fowler on the current hit show, "The Big Bang Theory," but she is so much more than a pretty face. This girl has brains! This lovely lady has a PhD in neuroscience from UCLA. I think it is so incredibly great that there are smart, beautiful professional women in the spotlight today for young girls to see and aspire to be like. What a great role model!
The Problem with Cover aka Glee vs. JoCo
I was hoping I wasn't going to feel the need to weigh in on this but I feel like this story has gotten way more bad coverage than is necessary and I'm realizing that people in general don't know a whole lot about copyright law. *sigh*
The Situation: Jonathan Coulton aka JoCo is internet famous. He is known for songs such as, "Re: Your Brains," "Code Monkey," and a whimsical, slow-jams cover of Sir Mixalot's "Baby Got Back." The song in question for this situation is that last song, "Baby Got Back." This is a cover of a song that someone else wrote so at some point in time before JoCo released the album in which this cover first appeared, JoCo payed a specific sum of money to Sir Mixalot because he wrote the song and owns the copyright. By doing so, Sir Mixalot granted JoCo permission to make money off of a song created by Sir Mixalot. JoCo then took this song all over America and the internet and the children smiled and were happy.
Sir Mixalot still owns the copyright to this song which protects the melody of the song and the lyrics, not the arrangement.
Enter "Glee." The production team on "Glee" hear JoCo's version of the song and say, "Hey that sounds like fun. Kids will like that." Production team calls up Sir Mixalot, asks for permission to use his song, he says yes, "Glee," gives him money and washes their hands clean of the incident.
The song hits iTunes and the internet is FURIOUS!!!!
Unfortunately the internet is also not entirely up on Copyright laws and starts making accusations about "Glee" going after some of JoCo's original songs next. Well, no they aren't going to do that, JoCo would be notified and they'd have to pay him loyalties first.
What was stolen here was an arrangement of a song and arrangements are not covered under U.S. copyright laws. All JoCo can do is pretty much what he's already done: express his unhappiness at the fact that "Glee," didn't ask to use his arrangement, alert media outlets that "Glee," has previously "borrowed" arrangements from other people and try to make a little money off of the situation.
(JoCo is currently selling his cover of a cover on the iTunes store and says that he plans to donate the proceeds to charity. He has not stated which charity.)
No, he doesn't have any legal grounds to sue "Glee." His copyright was not infringed upon.
I think the biggest problem I have with this whole thing is that it could have been solved really easily!
Allow me to demonstrate:
*ring, ring*
JoCo: "Hello? Jonathan Coulton speaking."
Glee: "Hello Jonathan! We are the production team over at "Glee." Perhaps you have heard of this show!"
JoCo: "Oh yes! I don't personally watch it but yes, I have heard of it. How can I help you?"
Glee: "In a new episode this season we are considering performing a rendition of Sir Mixalot's "Baby Got Back," and we were wondering if you were cool with us using your arrangement."
JoCo: "How kind of you to ask! I would be flattered to see my rendition of this classic song on your program! Would you mind listing me in the closing credits of the show?"
Glee: "Would a "Special Thanks" suffice?"
JoCo: "Absolutely! Thank you for calling."
Glee: "Thank you, Jonathan and have a Gleeful day!"
JoCo: "You too! Goodbye!"
*hangs up phone*
Boom! That's it! The End. All they had to do. How hard is that?
Hopefully this unfortunate experience will be enough to teach the "Glee" production team to ask nicely next time... Though probably not.
Star Wars: Hopity, Hope Hope
It is no longer a rumor!
JJ Abrams will be directing Star Wars: Episode VII
I guess he DOES get to put his fingers in all the sci-fi pies.
Mr. Abrams, please don't fuck it up.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Trek Director to Direct Next Star Wars?
Rumor! Rumor, Rumor!
JJ Abrams may be the dude directing the next Star Wars movie? What the WHAT?! Of course, after he finishes directing all the Trek movies. Is Hollywood trying to FORCE the Trek and Wars crowds to get along?! That's awful! What the heck?!
Again, this is a RUMOR.
Yell as you see fit.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Here's to 2013!
It is a new year and I already feel really great about it. One big reason being I got engaged last night!!! I'm so happy! Don't worry, I'll put all the mushy stuff on a different blog. Although, there may be some cross-contamination. ;) The following is a list of things I am excited about for the coming year. Some of these things may turn out to suck but it doesn't matter. I'm excited now!
The return of Community!!!
February 7th, 2013 "Community" will be back on the air!! Unfortunately, it is returning only to begin the countdown until the end but I will enjoy every moment of it!
Mad Men: Season 6
Betty and Megan catfights are in our future! Woo hoo! The new season begins April 7th with a two-hour premiere! Very exciting.
The rest of Season 7 of Doctor Who!
March 30th we will discover the mysteries of the new TARDIS and also a Miss Clara Ozwin Oswald! Also, 50th anniversary!
BBC Produced animated series based on "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell"
Please see this little article.
This should be most fun!
Season 3 of "Sherlock" Hopefully....
Well, they're starting to film in March... or so they say. It could be awhile. I guess I will have to listen to my mom yell, "But I have theories!!!" for several more months.
Season 3 of "Game of Thrones":
Top Ten Movies I'm looking forward to:
1. The Great Gatsby
2. Iron Man 3
3. After Earth
4. Thor: The Dark World
5. Hunger Games: Catching Fire
6. The Wolverine
7. Pacific Rim
8. Monster University
9. Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
10. Red 2
See the trailers here:
Now there are plenty of things that are coming out that I don't know about or don't know enough about. I looked at a list of books coming out this year and for the most part, it didn't mean anything to me. *shrug*
To all of you, I hope 2013 is a wonderful year full of great things! I know I'm already loving this year and very excited for things to come!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
This is me! This is my face right now. I'm Oprah-ing. At work even.
As any good Whovian knows, the 50th Anniversary of "Doctor Who" is this year. Guess what? All of the Doctors are coming back! All of them! and the Geek Moms says so!!!!
Please lick this article profusely.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Top of 2012
Greetings and salutations, my nerds! I hope you will please excuse my absence for the last couple of weeks, I'm just starting to recover from holiday madness, four days at home and then driving my but from Northern California to Vegas and back for the Consumer Electronics Show. I think that's a pretty good excuse for falling off the face of the planet for half of a month, right? Maybe not... Oh well! What I have realized in the last two weeks is that I never did a "Favorite Things," post for this year and darn it, I think this sort of thing is entirely necessary. So here it is! My favorite things!
Favorite Movie Seen in 2012: "Midnight in Paris"
This is a movie I haven't talked about yet on the blog but I found it to be absolutely enchanting. Anytime I can't find something at the video store (yes, I still go to one of those), I suggest this movie again. Love it!
Favorite Book Read in 2012: "How to Live Safely in a Science Fiction Universe" by Charles Yu
This may not be the BEST book I've read but it is absolutely my favorite. This book made me squeal with delight and mourn the day when it was over and I could never again read it for the first time. Most science fiction involving time travel spends more time showing you it working and less time explaining how it works and how it gets fixed. I loved getting to see this alternative to the norm. It isn't a very long book and it is a disappointingly short read but I still fully endorse it.
Favorite Comic Book of 2012: "Fairest"
Specifically, I would like to call attention to issues 8 and 9 in which we go to Japan with Rapunzel to find bits of her past and meet up with a beautiful Firefox with whom she had once been lovers. I love this comic book. I love the way it delves into the unexplored pasts of some of the female characters who tend to not get a ton of attention in the regular "Fables," comics. I love how daring they can be. If you haven't started reading "Fairest," we're only about 11 issues in, you should get on this.
Favorite New-to-Me Podcast of 2012: "Ask Me Another" and "This American Life"
It is a tie on this. I listen to A LOT of podcasts all day, just about every day at work. "This American Life," is a podcast that I look forward to every Monday morning when I get in. It is usually the first thing I put on after I get caught up on the the news. I love feeling like I'm learning something unusual while I am being entertained.
"Ask Me Another," is a pop culture puzzle show hosted by Ophira Eisenberg with Jonathan Coulton as the house band. Oh my gawd, right? This show is so much fun that I often can't listen to it at work because out of seemingly nowhere, it makes me yell things like, "King Kong!" or "V for Vendetta!" and then everyone in the office stares at me, I get embarrassed and we go on with our day. I have actually applied to be a contestant on this show. If it weren't for the fact that they film in New York, I'd be on it in a heartbeat! I told the people who run the show that if they ever make it within a six hour drive of me, I will BE THERE!
Favorite TV Show of 2012: "Sherlock"
Yeah, I know what you're thinking, "Not Doctor Who?!" I adore Doctor Who but I discovered Sherlock this year. This is such a fantastically smart and suspenseful show. I am absolutely in love. My mother had surgery over the summer and she was bedridden for a short while during her recovery. I lent her the dvds of this show and one Sunday afternoon I got a phone call. When I answered she said, "So where's the rest? I need to know what happens. I have THEORIES." Sorry Mom, there isn't any more right now. Benedict Cumberbatch is highly in demand and they haven't even started filming season 3 yet. "But... but I have theories! I think I know how they did it! I need to know if I'm right!" Sorry Mom, you have to wait like the rest of us. If you haven't watched this show yet, give me a call. I will watch it with you. You may want to wait until the Season 3 air date has been released to save yourself some pain.
I hope you all had a beautiful 2012 and I'm looking forward to 2013!
Hot Nerd Friday: Ira Glass
Some of you may know Ira Glass as the voice of "This American Life." The rest of you are probably asking yourself, who the hell is Ira Glass? If you fall into that second category, please do yourself a favor and go to the iTunes store and subscribe to the "This American Life" podcast right freaking now.
This man has a fantastic radio voice. He doesn't sound like he's over-selling anything, you can tell he cares about the things he's telling you and he always sounds genuinely interested in the subjects he's reporting on. I look forward to this podcast every week. I love feeling like I'm learning something as well as being entertained. I also appreciate that he's not one of those radio guys where you hear and think, "He sounds kind of cute," and then you do an image search and go, "Whoa! Nevermind!" and then you're whole listening experience is tainted... Am I the only person who does that? Hmmm....
Ira Glass. Smart hottie of NPR.
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