Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hot Nerd Friday: Harrison Ford

Nerd girls, nerd gay men, you have to admit that one of your very first inappropriate nerd crushes was on one of this man's characters. I was an Indy girl first because there was a "No SciFi" rule in my house and also a "All of the Action Movies" rule. I didn't see Star Wars for the first time until I was fourteen or fifteen. But at a young age, I definitely found myself drawn to the intelligent, nerdy adventurous bad boy who was Doctor Jones. Yes, time for love Dr. Jones! This man is a cultural icon and we should all take a moment out of our day to bow down to him. Thank you, Mr. Ford. Without you, I'm sure they would have found someone far smarmier and far less charismatic to play our favorite space outlaw.

Now I have to take a moment and acknowledge the fact that when I looked Mr. Ford up on IMDB to see what he's working on now, the most recent entry reads "Indiana Jones 5." There isn't a whole lot of information about this yet. Only that both George Lucas and Harrison Ford are connected to this. I kind of feel like if this was really a project that Lucas Films was serious about, there would have been some sort of announcement during the Disney deal press conferences. I am skeptical, I am dubious. Please, please, please don't let the the secret at the end of the movie be aliens. Please let there be some sort of historically significant link instead.

Regardless of potential projects, Harrison Ford is a man I hope children look up to for decades to come and the first roguish man little nerdlets have a crush on. 

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