Monday, November 12, 2012


I am a late-comer to the wonderful world of James Bond. I adore the British, I adore smart action movie and I adore things that go boom. This means that 007 is my kind of guy. He always gets the sexy lady, he always has the coolest gadgets and if his gal pal doesn't get your heart racing, his choice in vehicles certainly will. Much like The Doctor, James Bond has had many faces and every actor brings a little something different to the character. The Sam Mendes and Daniel Craig James Bond is a very dark and haunted James Bond. Sure, he gets the girls, drives the cars and kills the bad guys but he also talks about the death of both of his parents and shows some sentimental attachment toward M and his agency. It is nice to see some humanity behind his cold, calculated stare. I know I am always the person who wonders how other people got to be the humans they are and it was enlightening to see a small glimpse of 007's past.

The other thing I love about James Bond movies are the villains. They're all intelligent, cunning, resourceful and creepy as hell. There are no mindless killing sprees. Once they have been captured, they usually don't stay captured and most of their aims have more to do with proving a point than recklessly killing everyone. People die sure, but they're mostly casualties to the bigger picture. Silva, played by Javier Bardem (also seen in "Before Night Falls," and "No Country for Old Men.") was no exception. He was brilliant at playing an absolutely mad man whose mind had been severely damaged by chemicals that should have killed him. I appreciate that the Bond villains are evolving technologically right along-side the Good Guys if not even surpassing them. Modern villains don't necessarily fight in person with fists and guns anymore. They fight from remote locations with computers and remote signals. Anything else would really just be garish.

This is why I would like to start the petition to have Benedict Cumberbatch play the next Bond villain. "Sherlock" has already given him plenty of material for portraying a crazy person. Secondly, he could spout off nonsensical strings of words and still sound goddamn brilliant. The has the cold, piercing stare that could either drop a girl's panties or send a cold chill up your spine. He's absolutely perfect! Come on, who is with me on this one?

Bond fan or not, go out and see Skyfall. It is popcorn-munching, bouncing in your seat fun.

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