Friday, November 9, 2012

Seeking a Friend at the End of the World

This is a movie I really wanted to see in the theaters but it came out in that week over the summer where everything else came out. You remember that week? That was a good week... Anyway, by the time I made my way down my list and got to this movie, it was out of theaters and I was bummed. When I saw this movie out on dvd (I am one of the last dinosaurs who still rents things from Blockbuster. ROAR!) I was super excited! I remembered the trailer and it being super silly and tongue-in-cheek and looking great. I mean, it's a movie with Steve Carell and Keira Knightly! They're both brilliant. How could this movie be anything but awesome?

Okay, before I talk about the movie more, I want you to take a second to watch the movie trailer. Don't remember it? That's fine, I'll wait.

Sure, there are people crying and freaking out in this trailer but it seems jovial, doesn't it? I think I've figured out that the music in this trailer is what makes this trailer seem so deceptively fun. Well, here's the reality of it: aside from that one scene in Friendly's where the waitstaff are all on ecstasy, it's a major downer of a movie. It isn't fun at all. I feel like the movie focuses on the wrong things and that while it is likely that in a time of terror, people will band together, I do not think that total strangers would join up let alone fall in love. Although, I have heard that people who experience traumatic events together tend to fall in love. I think this is a severely screwed up thing but I guess it is a real thing. I also didn't like the ending. I feel like the last decision on earth that Keira Knightly's character makes was absolutely the wrong thing to do. I won't say what it was because I know some people still may want to see this movie even though I say it sucks. I'm going to guess I'm not considered an authority. Rotten Tomato gave this movie a 55% rating. In my own household, Rotten Tomato usually has more authority over movie picking than I do.

While I did not enjoy this movie as a whole, there were a few things that I did enjoy. I really appreciate that at the end of the movie, the world actually did end. There are so many movies where the punch gets pulled and everyone is acting like a crazy person for no reason. Thank you for actually killing everyone like you said you would. The other thing I enjoyed was seeing the various reactions to the news that the world was going to end. I liked seeing the people who decided this was their time to try all the things they have never tried before out of fear, morality or whatever. Also, the people who allowed fear to rule the remaining bits of their lives as apposed to those who just tried to go about their day without noticing that doom is looking over their shoulder. All of the reactions were very human.

So all in all, I give this movie a "meh." If I were you, I'd avoid it entirely unless it is your goal to depress yourself.

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