It has been eight months since I last updated this blog.
This is a thing I am aware of.
In terms of the internet, it has been roughly 1,000 e-years since I've written here and that's not okay. This was supposed to be the year I got my hobbies back but it seems like the only hobbies I re-adopted were reading (I've read 67 books so far this year), coloring in my adult coloring book, ignoring my wedding scrapbook, and ignoring my blog! Yaaaay! About a month ago I made a pledge to write more next year, giving myself an out but was quickly reminded that there are still several months left in THIS year. Darn years with all their months...
Momentum is also a thing. It is super easy to leave something behind, it is a lot harder to pick something up you used to do but aren't sure if you still do as well. Forming coherent sentences for example! So aspirations get dropped because failure is scary and if you don't try, you can't fail, right? No... Not right. I'm not the kind of person who was always super good at a lot of things. I still have to remind myself that there is a short list of things I am good at that I should be proud of. I have also learned that it is not necessary for me to be the best at anything because that little inkling of fear that makes me not want to try lives in everyone. A lot of people really listen to that feeling and they don't try! As a result, I've gotten a lot of awards and recognition for things I'm not necessarily the best at simply by being the only one to show up. My mother's favorite example of this is how I won the Home Run Derby without hitting a single ball simply because I was the only girl in my age group to show up. I swung and whiffed my way to victory because I guess I've never been afraid to embarrass myself.
All that being said, this is hopefully going to be the start of some positive momentum. Writing has always been a big, important part of my life and I would like it to continue to be. As a result, I will be working on this blog more and I will be participating in National Novel Writing Month. I've always hated that it is November which has a big, 3 - 4 day weekend holiday, but no matter! I have challenged myself to work through "The Complete Artist's Way." My posts on this blog will alternate between the typical posts for this blog, movie reviews, things I'm excited about, etc. I will also be adding my workbook entries from "The Complete Artist's Way." Both types of post will go toward my word count, only the regular blog posts will get linked on my facebook page. I'm really not sure if anyone wants to watch me do writing exercises. That sounds somewhat tedious.
My blog is not dead. I am not dead. I like being able to call myself a writer. I don't want to be a writer who does not write. I've finally run out of excuses.
Glad to see you writing here. I've always enjoyed your movie commentary. Here's to a good November!